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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Afternoon Snack {Bell Pepper with Creamy Dijon Dip}

This is a food I never would have eaten 4 months ago. A straight up, raw bell pepper?!?! For a snack?!?!?! Dipped in WHAT?!?!?! Candice knows. I brought it into work and my dip was 1/4C of original hummus. I was freaked, but I LOVE hummus, so I made it happen. But hey. I tried it and now I'm fit. Boom. It's not rocket science.  Here's the recipe:
Clean Eating magazine April/May 2012

From the pantry:
Garlic powder, mustard
Note: I didn't have Dijon mustard, so I used regular. I didn't have onion powder.

Bought for the recipe:
Plain Greek yogurt, red bell pepper
I really like eating things that are good for me.  This isn't a slap-me-in-the-face-I've-died-and-gone-to-heaven meal.  Let's be serious. However, I just have a different perspective on food now. I eat to fuel my body. Period. The benefits to eating this way far outweigh the ease & comfort of eating BBQ-flavored potato chips (an old favorite). I liked the garlic powder. Gave it a smokiness. Likey likey.
Bell pepper with Creamy Dijon Dip

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