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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Breakfast: {Rice Cakes with Nut Butter & Banana with Cottage Cheese}

This breakfast is perfect.  It's crunchy. It has classic flavors of nuts & bananas. It also includes one of my favorite things--cottage cheese. This is a no brainer. As I have mentioned before, you must pay attention to the ingredients.  If you have no desire to lose weight and no desire to change the way your body responds to food, then use this post as a meal idea and pull the regular bread from your pantry, put your favorite peanut butter on it, top with a fresh banana and put it with cottage cheese. However, if you are trying to change the fact that you have cravings all day, you don't understand why you can't lose weight, etc. then eat this as described.  (The recipe doesn't say brown rice cakes and I'm surprised. Go for the brown.) More on "eating clean" later.
Clean Eating Magazine April/May 2013
From the pantry:
Cashew butter (whoops! meant to buy almond), brown rice cakes

Bought for the recipe:
Cottage cheese, banana

Rice Cakes with Nut Butter & Banana with Cottage Cheese

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